Joomla and working with design agencies
I have worked with several design agencies over the last couple of years. Agencies sometimes contact me because their client wants a new design and have decided that they want to continue using Joomla or have checked Joomla out and think it is ideal for their needs.
I will present you with a short case study where I worked with an agency in west London to help them create a new website for a large medical diagnostics company based in Harley Street.
The agency contacted me to ask if I would be interested in helping them with a website as their client had specifically requested Joomla. The agency did not have anyone with the necessary skills on their books so they requested the services of a freelancer such as myself.
We had the initial meeting at their office in west London where the design was presented and the objectives of the website planned out.
The design was in Adobe Photoshop format which, as you have probably guessed, will not run in Joomla. Each element of the design had to be spliced and incorporated into css files to give the site the look and feel that their client required. Everything had to be pixel perfect on the conversion from the design.
Once we had the template finished , the functionality of the website was the next job. This involved creating menu structures and modules to place on the correct menu items.
The website navigation was complex so the agency created a PDF file of the design with all the relevant menus linking to the correct pages so it was easy to refer back to when I needed to know where something needed to be links.
Overall the project took around ten days to complete and you can see the results here.
I am currently working with another London based design agency to re-brand and create a new website for Ireland based charity, Moving Mountains. We have had the initial design consultancy meeting with the charity and the agency and we are hoping to sign off the design next week. Then the complex techy part starts.....